Kakum National Park

Ghana Tourist Attractions

29th December 2020
Tours In Ghana

Why Tourists Are Moving to Ghana, Should You Also Visit?

“Our happiest moments as tourists always seem to come when we stumble upon one thing while in pursuit of something else.” — Lawrence Block

The sense of fulfilment and adventure you experience when you visit the amazing sceneries of a country you’ve never been to is almost indescribable. Most times, the feeling and experience are beyond words. People you talk to about your adventure in that fascinating country can just imagine what your experience was like. At best, they can only relate with and understand just a fraction of what you felt like when you saw those amazing places.

It’s just like traveling on a particular road. You will learn more about that road and on the road than Google could ever possibly tell you about that road.

For the years that Ghana tourism has reached its peak, the country has been known to be traveled wide and extensively by people that are amazed by this peaceful country’s wonder.

There are a lot of wonderful memories to make when you travel to see all of Ghana’s wonderful sceneries. It will be a great feat to achieve if you were able to visit every Ghana tourist attraction in one trip or on your first visit. That’s because there are lots of wonderful sites to behold. You wouldn’t want to rush and leave without having experienced all that you possibly can.

What to Expect as a Tourist in Ghana

For most travellers, the first point of entry into Ghana is the Kotoka International Airport.

You immediately get a feel of the Ghanaian tradition once you engage with the immigration officers and other local workers at the airport.

Now, what lies in wait for you in Ghana’s tourist attractions will make you burst with expectant excitement just like a kid that has been promised by his parents to be given that cool trending bike he’s been praying for. That kid knows he’ll like what he gets but he’s going to be more thrilled when he sees amazing features he didn’t expect on the bike.

Imagine experiencing beyond what this kid will. You’re going to have an adventure of a lifetime. And a thrilling tour beyond your wildest imagination.

If you want to experience and see things that you’ve probably never witnessed anywhere in the world then visiting Ghana should be on your bucket list. We’ve got interesting stuff that will wow you. No matter what interests you, we’ve got something and a place just for you. Like the largest man-made lake in the world based on surface area and the only butterfly sanctuary in West Africa.

There is so much to make your decision to travel to Ghana worth it. Every place you visit in Ghana has a rich history that will make you want to visit again. And even tell your friends and family to also come and experience it for themselves.

Tourist Sites That You Shouldn’t Miss in Ghana

The list of places including the wonderful scenery and historical places to visit in Ghana are exhaustive. This is why Grassroot Tours Ghana will help you plan and have a stress free tour within the country.

There are places such as National Parks with fauna and flora, waterfalls, lakes, rivers and castles with stories deeply rooted in the history of this country.

Among some fun places to visit include but not limited to:
Mole National Park
Tafi Atome Monkey Sanctuary
Wli Waterfalls
Cape Coast Castle
Larabanga Mosque
Kakum National Park
Bobiri Butterfly Sanctuary
Lake Bosomtwe
Boabeng Fiema Monkey Sanctuary
Paga Crocodile Pond
Lake Volta
Nzulezu Stilt Village
Buoyem Sacred Groves
Mount Afadjato
Aburi Botanical Gardens
Umbrella Rock

Mole National Park

This is one of Ghana’s most visited destinations by tourists. Wondering why it is one of the most visited? That’s because it has quite a number of interesting things a park in its natural state can offer. And you can’t find most of what you see there anywhere in Ghana. Mole National Park is located in the Savannah Region of Ghana.

Mole National park offers you rich flora and fauna. It’s somehow like having all the different veggies and savoring toppings on your favorite pizza. That’s if you love pizza. You do get the picture, right?

If you’ve ever wanted to see wildlife and not what you watch in Wildlife documentaries on TV then you’ll love the diversity that Mole National Park has to offer.

“I never knew I could enjoy seeing and taking pictures of elephants and some endangered species all in one day. It felt like a dream. Only thing was this was as real as seeing myself in the mirror every morning. How could I not have visited this amazing place until now?” – Jasmine, Canada

This was what a lovely female tourist had to say when she was blown away by what the park promises and offers.

You’ll find quite a lot in the park including mammals and reptiles. Going through the park, you’ll hear the chirping of the about 300 species of birds which is soothing music to the ears. No need to worry if you want to see specific animals like the roan antelope, oribi or the nocturnal civet. That will be arranged to make you enjoy your visit to Mole National park. Also, while on a safari you’ll spot the beautifully tanned leopards in the park.

You’ll love the tree hide where you can camp and wait at night and the early hours of dawn to see the animals that could otherwise not be seen lurking around the park during the day.

There are so many memories to be made in the park that you can’t afford not to visit this wildlife refuge. You can actually take a part of the park with you when you’re done with your visit by getting art or craft to remind you of the once-in-a-lifetime experience you had.

Cape Coast Castle

Another memorable place not to miss when you’re in Ghana. The Cape Coast castle holds information on the events of the slave trade brewed deep in the pot of history. You’ll learn the overwhelming stories of how the slaves were treated and shipped off the coast to be sold in America.

Lots of people are brought to tears when they learn what actually happened in the castle so if you’re the emotional type then brace yourself. There are things you won’t hear about the era of the slave trade until you visit this castle.

Kakum National Park

This extraordinary natural park is one of the most visited sites for good reasons. If you want to have a fascinating experience in a condensed rainforest, then this is the place to be. Put this on your bucket list.

You’re going to love the Canopy walkway which has 7 bridges constructed and hanged by very strong ropes on extremely tall trees. It’s quite a wonderful place to be because you get to do more than just one activity. There are several species of birds including the African grey parrot and hornbills. You can just visit the park for just bird viewing if you would like to watch not-often-seen birds like yellow-bearded greenbul and the threatened white-breasted guineafowl. Being on the Canopies enables you to spot and clearly view the birds.

Other interesting things you can do in this rainforest reserve is viewing of animals like duikers and monkeys. And also hiking through the thickly dense forest. You’ll learn a lot when you visit this place.

Monkey Sanctuaries

There are two notable monkey sanctuaries that are fun places to visit namely Boabeng Fiema Monkey Sanctuary and Tafi Atome Monkey Sanctuary.

Boabeng Fiema Monkey Sanctuary is located in the Bono East Region and it’s home to two families of monkeys that are believed to be sacred species by the locals. The monkeys are differentiated by their coat. One family has a brown coat while the other has black with a fluffy white chest.

There’s actually an interesting tension between these two groups of monkeys. And because of this, there is an imaginary border between them so none crosses to the territory of the other. If that were to happen there’s going to be a ‘fight’. The monkeys are well catered for and what’s really interesting is the fact that they actually have their own cemetery within the forest.

Not only do you get to enjoy the company of the monkeys and feed them, but you’ll also love the ambience in the forest where the monkeys reside.

Tafi Atome Monkey Sanctuary is located in the Volta Region of Ghana. This monkey sanctuary is home to the Mona Monkeys. The monkeys are super-friendly and you’ll enjoy their company, especially when you’re feeding them bananas. You’ll learn about the fascinating history of the monkeys and how the locals cohabit with them. You’ll definitely have a great time here.


There are magnificent waterfalls in Ghana and among them are the Wli waterfalls situated at Hohoe in the Volta region and the Boti waterfalls in the Eastern Region.

Boti waterfalls is actually two waterfalls side by side. Because of this beautiful wonder of nature, it’s been nicknamed the twin waterfalls. There’s another wonderful scenery to behold when you visit the falls. All you need to do is to hike up the mountain and you will be greeted with the awesome looking Umbrella Rock. It’s really unbelievable when you see the base of that huge rock. The base is like an elephant standing on a pebble without its feet touching the ground. It sounds absurd, right? Well, you get to see it for yourself when you visit the Umbrella rock.

Ntonso Adinkra Village

There are other interesting places to visit and learn about the history of certain things that are peculiar to only Ghana. For instance, how the adinkra cloth is made. A village in Ashanti Region called Ntonso is the primary producer of the cloth with the various adinkra symbols. They do everything from scratch. You’ll love to see the origin of these unique Ghanaian cloths.

Osu Castle

Also known as Fort Christiansborg, this now-listed UNESCO world heritage site was formerly the seat of Ghana’s government. It has a rich history including when it changed hands from country to country and the vibrant trading activities that went on. The trading was done before it was used as a site for the slave trade which unfortunately is part of this architecturally splendid castle’s history. Try to add this to your list of Ghana tourist attractions to learn about some Ghanaian history and the unique possessions of Ghana’s past presidents that are kept in this castle.


There are more breathtaking sceneries and historical places to visit in Ghana. Some other places that you’ll love include the Nzulezu Stilt Village, Navrongo Cathedral, The Historical Assin Manso Slave River and many others. Grassroot Tours Ghana will help you plan an adventurous and memorable tour in Ghana. Contact us here and let’s help you have an exciting tour in Ghana, the country famously known as the gateway to West Africa.

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