Wildlife in Ghana

Well, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that humans aren’t the only ones living in Ghana. Ghana boasts of having many different creatures that live in water bodies and on land and in the air.

The wildlife in Ghana is one of her most attractive features because Ghana serves as a home to many mammals, reptiles, insects and marine creatures. What’s more interesting is that most of these animals are safe at the 16 National Parks in Ghana.

List of Animals in Ghana

Here are some of the animals that you will find to be fascinating when you come to Ghana.


Mole National Park is the only place where you will find these gigantic animals in the whole of Ghana. Unlike in other African countries where elephants can be found, the elephants at Mole National Park are used to human presence, so humans can have close contacts with them on foot without fear of being harassed. As a bonus to seeing these peaceful creatures at the park, there are also antelopes, warthogs, baboons and some others.

Here’s a helpful tip: It is best to visit the park within April and December because the dryness brings the animals altogether at the water sources

Monkey Sanctuary

Monkeys have a great cultural relevance at Boabeng-Fiema so they are not hunted, killed or harmed on purpose over there. As a matter of fact, the community even has a cemetery where they bury their dead monkeys after some funeral rites. Isn’t that just amazing? Mona monkeys and White Colobus monkeys are the monkey species that can be found here. Tafi Atome is another community that gives monkeys the same treatments as their friends in Boabeng-Fiema do. Where else would you find the world’s friendliest monkeys if not at these places where they are treated with utmost respect?

Birding in Ghana

With over 750 different species of birds, Ghana makes itself one of the best places to see these birds in their own natural habitats. This page is not enough to tell it all but we have created a whole section for birding in Ghana for you to get your mouth watered.


There are more than a thousand butterfly species in Ghana alone. You don’t even have to get to parks before seeing them because they are everywhere. However, if you want to see so many at the same place, Owabi Wildlife Sanctuary, Atewa Forest Reserve, Bobiri forest butterfly sanctuary and Bunso Arboretum are the places to visit.


Because Hippos spend a lot of time underwater, they are quite hard to sight. However, that isn’t a deterring factor at Wechiau Hippo Sanctuary. Timing is just of great importance. Dry seasons are the best times to see these magnificent creatures.


Like their monkey counterparts, the crocodile plays important roles in the culture of many tribes in the country. Paga is an example of such place. All it often takes to draw these crocodiles out of their ponds are the powerful incantations of a fetish priest and the wails of a fowl in its last moments. Unlike those in other places, the crocodiles at Paga actually stay out for a little while for show before going back under the pond. However,if you can’t make it to the far north to see the crocodiles of Paga, there are other places inland where they can be found. They can also be found at Akatekyi lagoon, and Egyamba.


Baboons are really interesting animals. They live in troops and are known for their social behavior towards one another. The two best places to find these delightful creatures are the Mole National Park and the Shai Hills. However, it is important to note that baboons are really smart creatures. They are very prolific in the art of thievery. You should be careful with your belongings around them.

Antelopes, Buffalo, Warthogs

Mole National Park is a home to all these animals, just like it is with many other wildlife creatures. The Gbele reserve and Shai Hills are other places where the antelopes can be found.

Marine Turtles

The best time to see these fascinating animals are from August to March and October down to December. These animals have lost their numbers to poaching but they can still be found if you know what to look for. Fortunately, you don’t have to know what to look for because our tour guides do. Furthermore, there are active turtle conservation projects ongoing in the places where the animals are found so there’s no fear of these endangered creatures going extinct in Ghana in the coming years.


The fact that they always look like they got caught up between being rats and birds may make them look kind of creepy, but these animals are really quite interesting and fascinating to watch. The fruit bats here in Ghana do well to imitate their human neighbors by being friendly and not harmful. Bats are found in many places around the country but the place to find them in great numbers are the cliffs near the Wli Falls. Bat caves can also be found at Shai Hills and Buoyem caves. Because bats are nocturnal animals, they are always active at night, so the best time to see them is in the evening or very early in the morning.


Mole National Park: The largest and most well-known park, famous for its elephants, antelopes, warthogs, and baboons. It’s best visited from April to December when the animals gather at water sources​.

Kakum National Park: Known for its canopy walkway and diverse bird species. The park offers a unique perspective on the rainforest’s wildlife​​.

Boabeng-Fiema Monkey Sanctuary: Home to Mona and Colobus monkeys, protected by local taboos and cultural reverence​.

The dry season, from November to March, is generally the best time to visit for wildlife viewing. During this period, animals are more likely to gather around water sources, making them easier to spot​.

Mole National Park hosts a variety of animals including elephants, lions, leopards, buffalo, hippos, and various species of antelopes and primates. Over 300 species of birds can also be found in the park​​.

Yes, the Paga Crocodile Pond is famous for its friendly crocodiles that live in harmony with humans. In Boabeng-Fiema, monkeys are considered sacred and are protected by local customs and laws​.

Kakum National Park: Known for its diverse bird population.

Xafi Bird Watching Sanctuary: Offers a great diversity of birds, especially when paddling a canoe across the river.

Bunso Arboretum: Home to over 110 species of birds, making it a prime location for birdwatchers​​.

Yes, marine turtles can be spotted, especially from August to March and October to December. Conservation projects are ongoing to protect these endangered species​​.

Mole National Park is unique due to its large population of elephants that are more accustomed to human presence, allowing close encounters. It also features a wide variety of other mammals and birds, making it a prime destination for wildlife enthusiasts​​.

Yes, the parks are generally safe for visitors. Mole National Park, for instance, offers both game drives and walking safaris with armed rangers to ensure safety while exploring the wildlife​.

Several parks and sanctuaries have active conservation projects. For example, the Boabeng-Fiema Monkey Sanctuary has statutory legal instruments to back traditional protection methods. Additionally, efforts are ongoing in various parks to combat poaching and human encroachment​​.

Yes, some of the endangered species include the giant pangolin, various species of marine turtles, and certain primates like the Black and White Colobus monkeys. Conservation efforts are in place to protect these species from further decline​.